Among the various gods and goddesses there are:

Major Dieties

Njoror           Odin

Thor              Loki

Tyr                 Baldr

Heimdallr.    Freyr

Freyja            Frigg

Norse Mythology has various divine figures in it's accounts. The most prominent being Odin, Thor, and Loki. They are also the most used Norse Gods in popular culture, like comic books, movies, and sitcoms.



A knot-like formation with 3 ends, shown interlaced around a circle. Also known as the symbol of charm. Tributes was heavily used by Norse Pagans, using articles( like pendants) resembling the Mjolhr with a triquetra symbol crafted on it.


A.K.A Mjolnor ( pronounced myol-neer), is a heavy mystic hammer forged by dwarf smiths, known as Brokk and Eitri,  the sons of Sandra. The hammer was weilded by the Norse God of thunder, Thor.

A symbol that consist of 3 interlocked triangles. Scholars proposed various explanations surrounding the symbol, sometimes assosiating it to the god Odin, and compared the three-horned symbol found on 9th century Scanoldelev Stone, with which, it be my related.