The Norse Gods And Goddesses

As evidenced by records of personal names and place names, the most popular God among the Scandinavians during the viking age was Thor, who is portrayed as unrelentingly pursuing his foes, how mountain-crushing, thunderous hammer "mjollnir" in hand.

In the Mythology. Thor land waste to numerous Jotnar who were foes to the gods of humanity, and is wed to the beautiful, Golden haired goddess "sif."

The first living being was ymir, a hermaphrodite giant who was created from those life-giving drops of water, and whose death was brought about by Odin  and his brothers villi, and ve.

Ymir's decendants fashioned the Nordic mythological universe from his blood, bones, flesh,teeth, hair, and skull. The gods come from two major clans: esir and vanir, Odin, frigg, Thor, Louisiana, gallery, hod, heimdall, and Tyr are the most elevated representatives of esir and are known as " the  main gods."

the second; vanir, are the fertility gods and  count Njord, freyr, and freyja as their most notable members.

Odin, king of Asgard
Odin, king of Asgard

The Supreme deity of Norse Mythology, and the greatest among the Norse gods Odin was "the allfather."

Ruler of Asgard, most revered immortal, on an unrelenting quest for knowledge with his two ravens, two wolves, and the valkyries, he is the "God of War."

Also frequently mentioned in the surviving texts, one-eyed, wolf and raven-flanked, one spear in hand. Odin pursues knowledge throughout the world's.

Odin has a strong association with death, he is described as having hung himself on the Cosmological Tree  "yggdradil" to gain knowledge of the Runic alphabet, which he then passed on to humanity,and is associated closely with death, wisdom and poetry. Odin is portrayed as Ruler of Valholl, where Valkyries carry half the slain in battle.

Odin must share his share of the dead; however, with a powerful goddess known as "freyja."

Frigg, wife of odin
Frigg, wife of odin

Odin's wife, Frigg was a paragon or beauty, love, fertility, and fate, Valderrama, loving, Thor, freyja, freyr, heimdall.

Frigg, who can see the future,  but tells no-one, after a series of dreams had by their son Baldr of his impending death ( engineered by loki), and baldr thereafter, decided to to res8ds in helping, a reLmnruked by a goddess of the same name.

Aside from the esir, a group a veings variously described as Jotnar, Thursar, and Trolls frequently appear. These beings may either aid, deter, or take their place among the gods.

The Norse, disorder, and aforementioned Valkyries also get frequent mention, while their functions and roles may overlap and differ, all are collective female beings associated with fate.

The Jotnar, often known as " giants", but are the majority of them are in fact human size.

Some jotnar are exceedingly beautiful, yet some are terribly ugly, the esir spend most of their time e either fighting the jotnar, or marrying them.

Notable Jotnars

Skadi   Gerd
Surt        ymir

Loki, is also classified as a journal, as his father was a journalist, and Norse Mythology is partlineal ( meaning that membership tom family or group is decided through the father.)

Elve's and dwarfs are mentioned in the text's,  and appear to be connected. But their attributes are vague and the relation between the two is ambiguous. Elves  are described as radiant and beautiful, while dwarfs act as earthen smiths.

The light and dark else's who live in Alfheim, and Svartalfheim, little is known about the light elves, but the dark else's, are another name for dwarf's, not flattering, but for what they lacked in beauty, they made up for with blacksmithing and crafting.
The dwarfs are said to have been made from maggots that atr ymir's dead flesh, and they live underground in darkness. Dwarfs are responsible for creating some of esirs most valuable possessions,including thors hammer, the chains that bind the fenris- wolf, and sifs golden hair after loki shaved her bald off for for a joke.n

Freyja is beautiful, sensual, wears a feathered cloak, and practices selor, freyja rides to battle to choose among the slain and bring her chosen to her afterlife field of folk folkvangr.

Freyja weeps for her missing husband Oar, and seeks after him in faraway lands. Her brother, the god Freyr, is also mentioned in the surviving text, and his association with the weather, royalty, human sexuality, and agriculture brings peace and pleasure to humanity.

Deeply love-sick after catching the sight beautiful jotnar  Geror, freyr seeks and wins her love, yet at the price of his future doom.

Their father is Njoror, associated with ships and seafaring, wealth and prosperity. Their mother is Njoror's sister, however, she is mentioned in his pairing with the skiing and hunting goddess Skaoi. There relationship is ill-fated, as skaoi cannot stand to be away from her beloved mountains, nor Njor from the seashore.