Ragnarok: the end if the world?

The vikings believed that one day the world as we know it would come to an end, they called this day for "Ragnarok",ragnarok is not only the doom of man, but also the end if the gods and goddesses, it will be the final battle between the Aesir and the giants. The battle will take place on the plains known as Virginia.

It is here the mighty serphant will emerge from the sea, while it splashes its tail,and spitting poison in all directions, it causes huge waves to crash towards the land 

Meanwhile, the fire giant "Surtr" will set asgard and the rainbow bridge bifrost on fire,  the fenir wolf will break free of his chains and spread destruction. The sun and moon will be swollen by the wolves "Skoi, and Hati, even the world tree " Yggdrasil" will shake the ground.


There will be signs to warn of Ragnarok ( the end of the world) is coming; first will be the murder of the god Baldr, son of Odin and Frigg( which already happened).

The second sign will be three long, uninterrupted, cold winters. With no summer in between, the name of this is "Fimbulwinter", during these three long years, the world  will be plauged by wars, and brother's will kill brother's.

The third sign will be the two wolves kn the sky, swallowing the sun and moon, abd even the stars will dissappear,  sending the world into a great darkness.


A red Rooster known as "Fjalar" ( meaning the "all knower") will warn the giants that Ragnarok has begun. At the same time another red rooster will warn the dishonorable dead that the war has begun, and a third red rooster known as "Gullinkambi" will go to Asgard and warn the God's. 

Heimdall, will blow his horn as loud as he can,  and that will be the warning to all the Einherjar in Valhalla, that the war has begun.  This will be the battle to end all battles.


Several  of the gods will in fact survive the battle, among them,  odins sons " Vidar, and Vali", as well as his brother "Honir". Thors sons " Modi,and Magni", they will inherit their fathers hammer, Mjolnir.

Odin and the fenrir wolf will fight each other to the death, and Loki will turn on the aesir, then he will fight Heimdall ( they will kill each other). Tyr will fight the watch dog "Garm" that guards the gates of hell, and will also kill each other.

Thor will fight the Midgard Serphant and kill it, but he will also die of the poisonous wounds left behind by the Serphant.  Freyr will be killed by the fire giant " surtr", then finally, surtr will set all 9 worlds on fire, and everything sinks into the boiling sea. There is nothing the gods can do to prevent ragnarok, odins only comfort is that he can see into the future, and predict that ragnarok is not infact the end of the world.

The gods that survive will go to the Idavoll, which has remained untouched, here they will build houses( the greatest being "Gimli"), and will have their roofs made of gold, there is also a place called "Brimir" ( in a place called "oKolnir", meaning never cold). It is in the mountains of Nidufjoll.

There is also a bad place, a great hall on Nostrand, the shore of corpses. All the doors face north to greet the screaming winds, the walls made of snakes that pour their venom into a river that flows through the hall.

This will be the "underground", filled with theives, and murderers, when they die, the dragon Nidhug , gets to feast on their corpses.

This will be the day that all the vikings einherjar from vallhalla, and Folkvangr who died honorably in battle,  will pick up their swords, and amour, and fight side by side with the Aesir against the giants. 

The gids "Baldr, and Hod" will return from the dead, to fight one last time with their brothers, and sisters. Odin will ride his horse "sleipher" with his eagke helmet equipped, and spear "Gungnir" in his hand, he will lead the army of asgard and br a br einherjar to the battlefield of Virginia.

The giants"Hel, and her dishonorable dead, together will inship "Naglfar"( made from the fingernails of all the dead), sail to the plains of vivid. The dragon Nidhug will fly over the battlefield and gather as many corpses for his never-ending hunger.