The first human couple was of Ask and Embla, driftwood found by a trio of gids and imbued with life in the form of 3 gifts, after the cataclysm of Ragnarok, this process was mirrored in the survival of two humans from a wood, "Lif and Lifprasir". From this , two humankind are foretold to re-populate the new,  green earth.

Numerous heros appear in Norse Mythology,  and are celebrated through poems, songs,and narratives. Within Edda. Notable humans include Gylfi, the first king of Sweden, and Geirroth, king of the Griminismal, along with two peasant children.

The "Prose Edda" also describes the afterlife for humans, with honorable warriors feasting and battling endlessly in Valhalla while those who died dishonorably or out of battle were sent to Niffelheim.